Do you know how a dysfunctional 4th thoracic ring can cause groin pain, pelvic girdle pain, neck pain or Achilles tendinopathy? Do you know how to determine when “core stability” exercises will make low back pain worse and when they are the key to recovery? When should you treat the foot/ankle complex to optimize ACL rehab or not, and what is the best way to treat the foot/ankle?
If you don’t know the answer to these questions, you will by the time you’ve finished taking The ConnectTherapy Series with LJ.
The ConnectTherapy Series is a 16-day, 3 Part learning experience, taught by Dr. Linda-Joy (LJ) Lee. It provides in-depth hands-on and clinical reasoning skills in The Thoracic Ring Approach™ and ConnectTherapy™ models. These models illuminate the connections between all regions and systems of the body and integrate psychosocial features to treat the whole person by “Finding the Drivers” for the person’s problem. The ConnectTherapy Series replaces the Discover Physio Series and incorporates significant advances and changes made by LJ, to the previously taught Integrated Systems Model for Disability & Pain (Lee LJ, Lee DG 2010). This includes LJ’s new ConnectTherapy Drivers Diagnostic Chart™ (DDC) and clinical reasoning algorithm to diagnose Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Co-Drivers with a comprehensive and logical process. The DDC also links with the innovative ConnectTherapy Treatment Principles and Exercise Prescription Framework, used to not only rehab acute and chronic problems, but to train for injury prevention and optimal performance.
Learn how to assess & treat Thoracic Ring Co-Drivers from the creator of the Thoracic Ring Approach, along with all of LJ’s newest techniques for assessment & treatment of Knee Drivers, Foot/Ankle Drivers, and Co-Drivers for the Rings and shoulders.
Identifying Drivers and changing the patient’s negative experience of their body to a positive experience during Meaningful Task Analysis (Lee LJ 2008) is a powerful vehicle for change. This “Wow” factor has neurophysiological implications. Therapists can then confidently design treatment programs that target the true source of the problem and expect positive change. The innovative Thoracic Ring Approach™ (Lee LJ) is covered in depth, based on LJ’s personal, clinical and research journey on how the thorax affects the function of the whole body. This includes how to assess and treat thoracic Co-Drivers, new advanced thoracic ring exercises and concepts in program design. In every area of the body, from the cranium to the foot, unique assessment and treatment techniques are related to how they support optimal function & performance of the whole body and whole person.
The ConnectTherapy Series empowers you with new ways to assess and treat your patients, integrates the science from multiple fields with clinical expertise to figure out how to most efficiently and effectively treat your patients. It is a year that will illuminate new possibilities for growth and change.
Course Structure: The new format breaks each of the 3 Parts of the Series into a Virtual and In-Person course, giving you six (6) learning opportunities with LJ & the Assisting Team; (Parts 1-3) and combined with extensive online support and directed course preparation:
- Online videos covering practical demonstrations, lectures and case studies
- Book and journal article recommended readings, directed anatomy & biomechanics review to prepare for each part of the ConnectTherapy Series
- Online peer and tutor support via an online forum. The forum is secure so that patient case studies with photos and videos can be posted and discussed for optimal facilitation of problem solving
- 12 months access to the online Virtual content (lectures & demos) and Resource library from the last day of the course
There is a high Instructor/Assistant to Student Ratio (at least 1:6) to ensure a high level of quality feedback for skill acquisition and development of clinical reasoning skills. Let the ConnectTherapy Series Challenge your Mind and Change your World, and the worlds of your patients.
The ConnectTherapy Series is the pre-requisite for The ConnectTherapy Series Part 4, our new ConnectPilates™ course, and Practitioner Certification. It runs every other year in Vancouver and one international location in alternate years.
Lee LJ. The Essential Role of the Thorax in Restoring Optimal Function. Keynote presentation at the 2008 Orthopaedic Symposium of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Montreal, Canada, October 2008.
Lee LJ, Lee DG. Chapter 7: Clinical Practice – The Reality for Clinicians. 2010. In Lee, DG: The Pelvic Girdle. Elsevier, pgs. 255-282.
Lee LJ: The essential role of the thorax in whole body function and the “Thoracic Ring Approach”, Assessment & Treatment Videos. Linda-Joy Lee Physiotherapist Corp (; 2012.
ConnectTherapy™ & SERIES COURSES
The ConnectTherapy™ Series
Vancouver 2024/2025
Build your Clinical Expertise | ConnectTherapy™ & the Thoracic Ring Approach™ North Vancouver, BC, Canada Dates:
Part 1 - Virtual: 21-22 Sept, 2024 ; In-Person: 4-6 Oct, 2024
Part 2 - Virtual: 16 - 17 Nov ; In-Person: 29 Nov - 1 Dec, 2024
Part 3 - Virtual: 25 - 26 Jan 2025 ; In-Person: 6-9 Feb, 2025
Part 1 - Virtual: 21-22 Sept, 2024 ; In-Person: 4-6 Oct, 2024
Part 2 - Virtual: 16 - 17 Nov ; In-Person: 29 Nov - 1 Dec, 2024
Part 3 - Virtual: 25 - 26 Jan 2025 ; In-Person: 6-9 Feb, 2025
Virtual ConnectTherapy™ Grand Rounds, February, 2025
Virtual, LIVE (120 Mins)
Virtual ConnectTherapy™ Grand Rounds, 2025
Three Dates to Choose: April, May, June Virtual, LIVE (120 Mins) Dates:
Wednesday, April 9: 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Wednesday, May 7: 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Wednesday, June. 25: 4:00 – 6:00 pm (ALL TIMES/ DATES IN PST/VANCOUVER TIME)
Wednesday, April 9: 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Wednesday, May 7: 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Wednesday, June. 25: 4:00 – 6:00 pm (ALL TIMES/ DATES IN PST/VANCOUVER TIME)