Course Assistants

“There are so many people I’d like to thank…” “I couldn’t have done it alone…”I’d like to thank my parents…”

We’ve all heard the athlete, the actor, the business person share these platitudes– directed toward those who have helped them reach success within their chosen profession. And as cliché as these statements sound, they are true. It’s rare for a professional to become well-established in anything, without on-going support from dedicated individuals. It is no more true than in this instance, which is to say, without the skill and support of these top-flight Physiotherapists LJLI would simply not exist.

Meet LJLI’s “Worldly Assistants.”

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Leah Mears

Ashburton, Devon, UK

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Elaine Doherty

Redruth, Cornwall

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Jasmine Pollice

Montreal, QC, CAN

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Mitchell Wilson


Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Ms. Philippa Bruce

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Jamie Boulding

Deakin, ACT, Aus

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Andrea Thomson

St. Albert, AB, CAN

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Fiona Hurrell

Reading, UK

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Jason Dauphinee

Victoria, BC, CAN

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Lisa Streib

Waterloo, ON, CAN

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Erica Meloe

New York, NY, USA

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Sarah May

Sydney, NSW, Australia

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Timothy Muller

Surrey, BC, CAN

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Raymond McGinley

Dublin, Ireland

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Dora Mesec

Ottawa, ON, CAN

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Leigh Negin

Victoria, BC, CAN

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Richard Audet

Gatineau, QC, CAN

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Julie Embree

Eugene, OR, USA

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Ashleigh Wallace

Bisham, Marlow

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Leanna Veal

Tauranga, New Zealand

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications
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Monica Vitenson

New York, NY, USA

Dr. LJ Lee Certifications