Mrs Sylvia Yong-Gonzales

Physiotherapist / Physical Therapist, Pilates Instructor, Registered Massage Therapist, Cranial Sacral Therapist, Visceral Manipulation Therapist


Sports and movement as a child was a big part of my life. Due to my very sporty lifestyle and possessing the love of movement, I decided to do Physiotherapy. I graduated from University of Sydney, Australia in 2005. Since then I have completed post-graduate courses in Muscle Energy, Mulligans, Dry Needling, Polestar Pilates, Women's Health WHTA courses, Sarah Keys and many more. These courses created my platform and excelled my career, however I felt something was missing connecting everything together. Then I heard about the Integrated Systems Model from a colleague. After doing the Discovery Physio Series in 2012, my approach to treating my patients changed dramatically. I had a paradigm shift, which changed my world. Since then I treat all my patients using this model (now known as Connect Therapy), and have been seeing fantastic results. I have also completed Cranio-sacral therapy and started my journey of Visceral Manipulation. Thank you LJ for inspiring me, for being so passionate about your work and educating everyone, coming all the way down under, having trust in me to be an assistant and providing never ending support!


Lively Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio
Principal Physiotherapist

Ground Floor, 1394 Pacific Highway

Work 2

Lively Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio

Work 3

Lively Physiotherapy & Pilates Studio

Look Who’s Talkin’
