Course Objectives

This course will introduce the key concepts and hands-on practical skills of the ConnectTherapy model as applied to assessing and treating pelvis “Drivers”.

Key content includes:

  • Key concepts of the ConnectTherapy model for whole body assessment, finding and linking Drivers, and treating the whole person
  • Key Principles of Meaningful Task Analysis (MTA) & How to diagnose a Pelvis Driver for common recurrent problems such as hamstring tendinopathy and groin pain
    • When and how to use screening tasks to break down a complex MT
    • How to determine if a patient has optimal or non-optimal strategies during meaningful tasks – objective & subjective signs, how to change the patient’s experience of their body by getting to ‘Wow’
    • Specific manual tests for the pelvis complex during screening tasks to rule in or rule out the pelvis and hip as the primary driver for the patient’s problem – tasks covered include:
      • Standing
      • Squatting and activities that require sitting
      • Gait – walking & running
      • Discussion of how to find the driver for other sports specific and functional movements relevant to course participants
    • How to use the ConnectTherapy Drivers Diagnostics Chart™ and algorithm to determine if there is a Secondary Driver or Co-Driver for the patient’s problem
    • Factors that influence function of the pelvis – clinical signs that the Driver is in the thorax (how the thorax can drive the pelvis, introduction to The Thoracic Ring Approach) or in the foot – observational findings in the thorax and knee/foot that indicate the Driver for pelvic girdle problems and pain is distal from the pelvis-hip complex
  • Current research on the terminology and biomechanics of the joints of the pelvic girdle and how to define and test optimal function of the pelvis during functional movements
  • Discussion around “core” stability, trunk control and how stability relates to performance, optimal control of the pelvis and how that relates to the thorax and lumbar spine, how the thorax and pelvis-hip complex interact to control centre of mass over base of support
  • Key systems tests for pelvis Drivers – vector analysis of joint mobility for the pelvis, stability tests for the sacroiliac joint & pubic symphysis
  • Tests to analyse recruitment and function of the deep and superficial muscles of the pelvis and how that relates to patterns observed in meaningful tasks
  • Layer palpation & analysis skills for the abdominal wall and posterior trunk muscles related to pelvis control and function
  • Key concepts of the ConnectTherapy Treatment Principles and Exercise Prescription Framework:
    • learn the three phases of treatment and exercise progression applied to pelvis and hip drivers
    • learn how to prescribe and use “self-check” and “reset exercises” to empower patients with control over their exercise program as they progress
    • Discuss how the diagnosis of Primary vs. Secondary Driver affects treatment planning
    • Key principles from neuroplasticity to most effectively change strategies for posture, movement and performance
  • How to develop a multi-modal treatment program for Pelvis Drivers and choose the most effective combination of neuromyofascial release techniques, manual therapy, education and exercise training
  • Motor control training for the deep muscles – this training uses imagery and touch for facilitation. The focus is how to train control of the Driver and integrate into whole body function movements and learn the criteria for progression through the phases
  • Taping and belting techniques for the pelvis during function and sport to augment exercise training
  • Exercise progressions and key components to take the rehabilitation program from the acute stage to restoring full return to sport and activity – the three phases of progression
CLICK HERETo Download Registration Form
  • Location: Bondi Junction NSW 2022, Australia
  • Date(s):
    INPERSON: NOV 1-3, 2024
  • Duration: 5 Days
  • Cost: $2190 (incl 10% GST) AUD



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